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Freedom in Buddhism

Buddhism does not forbid anyone from reading or studying the teachings of other religions. In fact, the Buddha advised his followers to study and learn about other religions and compare them with his own teachings.

The Buddha once said that if there are reasonable teachings in other religions, his followers are free to follow those teachings (regardless of their religion). The question is, "Is this kind of freedom found in other religions?"

Today in many countries, a person has no freedom of religion at all. A man has no freedom even to think freely. Whenever he realizes that the religion he follows is wrong and he does not get satisfaction from it, he is not free to follow the new religion that his heart desires because the leaders and members of his family have snatched away his freedom.

A person must choose a religion that suits his own beliefs. No person has the right to force another to follow a religion. A person should not change his religion on impulse. A person must think carefully before changing his religion.

In some parts of the world, large numbers of people change their religion and embrace new ones because of colonial influences and because of their education abroad.

Religion is not something to be bargained for and exchanged for material gain. Buddhism never urges anyone to embrace religion for material gain.

The Buddha advised many people who came to see him and accepted his teachings not to do so hastily.

He asked him to consider carefully before accepting his teachings as his guide in life.


Source: 'Buddhism: The Religion of Wisdom' by Dhammarakkhit


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